The respiratory system in humans has a heavy task every day. Humans breathe 12 to 20 times per minute, which takes place continuously without stopping.
Don't think that organs in the human respiratory system only work in terms of breathing. These organs also play a role in human ability to speak and work as a sense of smell.
How the respiratory system works
In the respiratory system in humans there are organs in the form of airways, pulmonary veins, lungs and respiratory muscles. These organs are tasked to assist the body in gas exchange. There are also two gas exchanges, namely between air and blood and between blood and cells throughout the body. In essence, these organs help channel air to all parts of the body. There are also organs called alveoli and alveolar ducts. Alveoli are shaped like dots of grapes attached to one another. Together with the alveolar duct, alveoli are responsible for the exchange of gases in the body. The function of respiratory organs, in addition to playing a role in the exchange of air and gas, also filters, moisturizes and warms the air that enters the body. Furthermore, the respiratory system also plays a role in maintaining and balancing conditions in the body to remain stable. In medical terms the ability to balance this condition is called homeostasis.Respiratory System Organs in Humans
In the respiratory system in humans is divided into two, namely the upper and lower respiratory system. For more details, you can read the explanation below. The upper respiratory system is located outside the chest cavity, consisting of:Nose
Inside the nasal cavity there is a sticky mucous membrane that lines the nasal cavity. The function of this mucous membrane is to trap dust or dirt particles that enter the nose. In this cavity there are also fine hairs called cilia. The point is to inhibit and dispose of dust particles or dirt that enter, out of the nose. The trick is through sneezing.
Ie the room or cavity that contains air, and is in the skull, both around the face, behind the cheekbones, nose, and forehead. This cavity is related to the nose.
Double roles, namely in terms of breathing as well as in helping to talk.
This organ is passed by food and drink during the process to the next digestive tract. Besides the pharynx also plays a role in the ability to speak.
Is the main airway to the lungs. This organ is located under the larynx.
Is an organ that branches from the trachea to the lungs. The function of the bronchi is to take air to be forwarded to the lungs.
Is the largest organ and has an important role in the respiratory system, whose job is to hold air and provide oxygen for all activities in the body that are channeled through blood vessels, and exhales carbon dioxide out of the body.
Is the main respiratory muscle. This organ can contract and relax alternately, so that makes air can enter the lungs.
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